Modern Home Design Eco Friendly

design modern home

Modern Home Design Eco Friendly from Iosa Ghini of Design -The house comfortable, beautiful and saving is the dream of everyone today, especially when talking hematnya issues that are important in the current global financial crisis.A design house designed by Iosa Ghini design company may be used as an inspiration your home in the future. Besides that seemed futuristic architecture, this house is also very concerned about the environment by utilizing the environment of the active and passive sources surrounding. 
modern home enviromentally friendly

Here are some of the application of the technology used in this house :
1. Adjustable Solar Panels that allow existing solar panels can absorb sunlight optimally because the panels can move according to the direction of movement of the sun.
2. Rain Harversting utilizing rainwater in a way to contain it and reused for everyday needs such as watering the plants up to the toilet.
3. Adjustable Solar Panels that allow existing solar panels can absorb sunlight optimally because the panels can move according to the direction of movement of the sun.
4. Rain Harversting utilizing rainwater in a way to contain it and reused for the needs of everyday like watering the plants until to the toilet.

trends home
5. Low E-Glass for window glass that will absorb heat so the room will not overheat and meaningful use of air conditioning can also be saved.
6. Storage Heating is safe heat source that will be used to warm the room by the time the season arrives so that the use of the machine heating (heater) can be reduced
7. Use of Photocatalytic materials on the outer surface of the wall that will convert harmful organic rendered harmless.

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Nama Anda
New Johny WussUpdated: 21.58