Creating Environmentally Friendly Bedroom

Creating Environmentally Friendly Bedroom

Creating Environmentally Friendly Bedroom - Green living is a green lifestyle that can be applied anywhere. Greener buddy can implement eco-friendly lifestyle throughout your home.The following how to implement in our bedroom to make it more environmentally friendly. Here's how

our beds are made of wood? When buy it, make sure the wood is sourced from well-managed forests. Do not let buying a bed wood comes from illegal logging results, or finishing process uses chemicals that damage the environment.

The mattress is the most comfortable part of a bedroom. Use organic mattresses, cotton mattresses that are taken from natural fibers. Natural cotton mattresses safer from germs that cause allergy attacks, or mites and dust, so also will ensure our health.

Blanket. Textile materials are environmentally friendly textile safe and comfortable for the skin, and does not cause allergies. Use a natural cotton fiber and textile production processes also ensure no waste of natural destroyer.

bedroom lighting system efficiency issues associated with electrical energy. Bedroom lights should be using LED lights and do not need large air-watts. For natural lighting can be tricked by the installation of a large mirror that will reflect light rays.

In order to keep the light in the bedroom during the day, we can put a transparent roof in some corner of the roof, and sunlight to enter. This way you can reduce electricity bills.

Use environmentally friendly wall paint. The characteristics of paints containing toxic we can know from the smell. Oil-based paints usually contain VOCs and pungent smell. While water-based paint has a smell that is not too overpowering. Cat like this certainly its low VOC levels. Cermatlah in choosing paint products.

Cool and healthy Bedroom Without AC
The bedrooms are airy and comfortable is the dream of every person. but, the temperature of the atmosphere presents a mostly tropical heat in the house make some people think to install air conditioning to cool the bedroom.
Actually it would not be necessary if we know the tricks, in addition to saving and environmentally friendly health and family more awake.

Air conditioning for Health Hazards
Installing air conditioner to cool a bedroom or other room mostly done as a shortcut to get coolness. Though it is not good for health. In addition to wasteful and environmentally unfriendly air conditioner also has adverse effects on health. Some of the complaints that arise after the use of air conditioning is cold, headache, and migraine. Besides, the air conditioning can also spread germs faster because the same air flow and that's it in a ruangan.Apalagi if there is one family member is sick or sneezing, then the bacteria was spread around the room.

Bedroom Without AC
Part of the house is most often installed air conditioning bedrooms, understood as the resting place of course residents want the rest to maximum without any distractions or heat swelter. AC is often a quick solution. But wait.

Once we know that there are some health hazards to air conditioning, of course you want to be able to have a cool room without air conditioning is not it? Lack of space and ventilation openings can cause the room to be hot, and there is no exchange of air from indoors to the outdoors to the fullest. This is the main reason why a room became very hot and no air circulation can take place properly.

a large window openings, at least 20% of the wall area to create air circulation more smoothly and efficiently. But it is not quite that, but ventilation is also needed to support air circulation from inside and outside the home seamlessly and interchangeably. Besides the wide opening and facing each other in a room can make the room light and the incoming sun became brighter without the need to turn the lights on during the day.

let's save the earth nature, ranging from simple, start from yourself and from now on too!

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New Johny WussUpdated: 20.24