How To Make a Bag from Recycled Plastic

make a bag from plastic recyle

How to make a bag from recycled plastic - Plastic is a material that is troublesome because it can not be destroyed when buried in the soil. Though in today's world, everything is put on the plastic. When we buy goods, we will definitely be plastic to wrap our groceries.Burning plastics this was not an effective way to reduce plastic waste. But it turns out there is a clever way to utilize plastic waste into useful items. With a little creativity, it becomes useless plastic goods that have a high selling value, which is made out of plastic bags.You are interested to make a plastic bag of plastic packaging material of soap? Coffee? Here I will share the info on how to make a small bag of plastic materialThe following tools and material :
4 item 450 ml plastic containers with style and color matching (2 pieces for the front and rear, 2 pieces again to the left and right side). Piping with a 50cm width 3cm for the bag strap.
1 m piping with 2cm width.
c.  4 cm adhesive
d. 30 cm cotton lace as a sweetener.
e. Needles (size 16) and matching sewing thread.

recycle bag

How to make :1. Clean the plastic packaging of all the stains and dirt. To clean it you can use tissue paper. If the stain is difficult to remove, you can soak in warm water plastic. Do not use water that is too hot, because it will ruin the texture of the plastic.

2. Scissors packaging two pieces to the desired size. Keep both pieces of plastic packaging has the same size.

3. Scissors two other packs (for left and right side) into two parts width (7cm). Sew piping on the wide side of each package is already cut.

4. Attach adhesive and sewing, using sewing machines, on the inside of each side of the front and rear.

5. Attach 3cm wide and sewing piping on the plastic surfaces (front and back), as a rope bag.

6. Then pairs of cotton lace and sewing piping on the upper side at the same sheet of plastic packaging. Perform this step on plastic packaging for the front side and rear.

7. Connect two plastic containers that have been cut measuring 7cm (for left and right side of the bag). Thus forming long sheets.

8. Connect and connect with stitching machines, parts earlier (no.7) with plastic sheets for the front and rear.

9. Then attach piping on all edges. Be a pretty, petite bag, made from plastic packaging. The same way you can do for the larger sized bag, just change the size

Nama Anda
New Johny WussUpdated: 20.53